... are humans who are genetically determined to be indicators of the next dimension of evolving human consciousness.
Futant is a term coined by Timothy Leary, Ph.D., former Harvard lecturer in psychology and the engine behind the peaceful Jeffersonian revolution of the ‘60’s. Melding future and mutant, it defines those 1.5-2% of the population at any given time who are genetically “programmed” to be the evolutionary future scouts. (Exo-Psychology, later editions renamed Info-Psychology, 1976 )
Futant is a term coined by Timothy Leary, Ph.D., former Harvard lecturer in psychology and the engine behind the peaceful Jeffersonian revolution of the ‘60’s. Melding future and mutant, it defines those 1.5-2% of the population at any given time who are genetically “programmed” to be the evolutionary future scouts. (Exo-Psychology, later editions renamed Info-Psychology, 1976 )
Futants are not idiot savants nor are they usually raging rebels. To this time they have often, if not usually, been misunderstood, sometimes considered insane, persecuted, and cast out or even killed. It would be well that we finally recognize the genetic role, proclivities and potential contribution of futants. By recognizing their genetic role we will gain an evolutionary advantage in the form of a window into the future. This is not to say that the vision of the futant is always robust or balanced or even completely correct. Because the futant role is hardly recognized and often denied or even rejected and persecuted the futant often does not understand Hir status and the evolutionary context into which it fits. This, more than often, is usually a serious personal problem for the individual, from childhood interactions with parents through maturity, depending on several factors. The religious context in which the futant child is brought up, the political and social situations in which the individual finds HIrself, the rejection by peers and academia as often happens, are usually all obstacles.
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